This group is for all ThetaHealing Practitioners.
Weather you have taken one or more seminars.
Weather you have worked with Charlotte before or not.
This is a safe space to practise with fellow ThetaHealer practitioners.
To future & grow your abilities.
To heal negative beliefs.
And to practise your skills.
Your guide, Charlotte Trolle, is a ThetaHealing Practitioner and Instructor and Medical Intuitive.
She is well practiced in guiding groups, spotting healing blocks and give precise pratical support when needed.
set up
These Practise Group events will consist of a halv hour talk / activation / group healing & a healing swap where you go to break out rooms and practise two and two.
Here you can call Charlotte in for assistance whenever needed.
Each month will have a new topic.
The topic will often be around blocks we have to go out into the world and use our abilities. Whether that is as a practitioner with clients / groups or on any other walk in life you choose. A healer is always needed.
We meet every first Thursday of the month September ‘23 through to May ‘24.
Time: 8 PM (GMT+1) - 10 PM.
Zoom link will be provided by mail before each event.
September, October & November are for free.
The following events will be with an exchange of 150 Dkr / 22 €.
If you sign up for all the following 6 events - December ‘23 to May ‘24 - at once, you get one for free: 750 Dkr / 110 €.
ThetaHealing Basic DNA
No more than four years since you last participated in a ThetaHealing seminar.
September 7th - How to build up your session.
October 5th
November 2nd
December 7th
January 4th
February 1st
March 7th
April 4th
May 2nd