Your Beautiful Liver
Spring is Liver time according to Traditionel Chinese Medicin (TCM).
So if we have Liver imbalances, they will show up extra strong in the springtime.
It is also where we most effective can support and cleanse the Liver.
The liver lies under the right rib curvator - behind the lower ribs on the right side.
It is responsible for over 500 processes and functions in the body.
The main task is to clean out, to ensure that waste substances such as toxins and hormones do not settle in the body. I
t is its job to resort and regenerate. It does this at night.
During the day, its task is to send blood - and thus - energy out to the arms and legs, so that we have the strength to be active.
Everything I write and share here has to do with the Liver from the perspective of Chinese Medicine (TCM) and from a metaphysical view of this amazing organ.
The Liver spreads the energy strategically. So everything gets lubricated - especially the tendons.
The Liver controls our tendons.
It takes care of our ability to distribute the blood.
The Liver is super influenced by our lifestyle.
Vision is in Liver.
It is the General who has the overview.
It is the one who makes it possible for us to see which path we should take in life and then create the path.
Possible liver imbalances:
Physical restlessness - before sleep, in the legs, itching.
Watery eyes, shadows the eyes, night blindness, eye inflammation, dry eyes.
Jaw tension. Something you can't bite over, fight against reality.
Liver meridian goes up to the brain, so healthy Liver = healthy brain. A long-term strain on the Liver will cause diseases in the head in old age.
Things that change all the time, so without a fixed pattern - so if you are sometomes hot, sometimes cold. Or have constipation some days and diarrhea other days.
Tight feeling in the ribs.
The thyroid gland is affected by the Liver energy.
Weakness in the muscles
Without aim and meaning, no vision.
Imbalance in digestion.
Imbalance in menstruation - pain, irregular, lumps in the blood.
Stiff muscles, cramp, dizziness and lump in the throat.
Liver depression - recognizable by no eye contact, constantly tired, negative, depressed, lack of vision, averted gaze, poor facial expressions.
The Liver is the organ that physically stores emotional problems. It is easily influenced by the unconscious.
The emotions that create stagnation are anger, hatred, contempt and old grudges. Against ourselves and against others.
When energy circulates freely, you are flexible, not stuck in old beliefs that no longer serve you.
How can we support the Liver?
Eat lightly in the evening at 6 o'clock and go to bed with an empty stomach.
Then the Liver can do it’s job restoring and rebuilding during the night instead of being held back by the undigested food.Avoid sugar. Sugar warms up the liver and can not carry out its tasks.
Anything that stops the intestines will strain the Liver. This can be remedied by eating lots of vegetables, making sure to drink water and, as far as possible, eating whole foods.
Get magnesium, MSM and Q10, all of which support Liver function.And in many ways most important: On the metaphysical level we can choose to go deep with our feelings, let go of old grudges, hatred, anger and contempt.
Everything we carry out of habit and because parts of us are afraid to let go. When we are tied to these emotions we give away our power. We let things that once happened define who we are now. The more we can let go of, the more energy we take home to our Liver and therefore to our entire system.
Use Transformative Healing & Medical Intuition for this.