
ThetaHealing kurser

Følg med i hvilke kurser der tilbydes indenfor ThetaHealingens forunderlige verden.


ThetaHealing er en fantastisk healingsmodalitet.
Glædesskabende, dybdegående, effektiv & hurtig.
Full Life Academy udbyder de fire grundkurser.
Skønne kurser, som giver en solid basis for at heale dig selv og andre.
ThetaHealing giver dig et uvurderligt redskab til
at skabe harmoni i dit eget, dine nærmeste og klienters liv.
Book afklaringssamtale.

Læs om Træning for ThetaHealere / Read about ThetaHealing Practise Group

I teach in English as well - read more.

If you are interested in learning ThetaHealing with me send me a message and let’s make it happen!

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ThetaHealing - Dig Deeper, ONLINE

Seminar 3. Online & in ENGLISH or DANSK according to students.
Thursday the 20th & Friday the 21st of April: 9.00 am - 3.30 pm.

Practice digging all the way to the bottom belief. This is one of the main concepts of ThetaHealing.

This seminar is designed to train all ThetaHealer practitioners in this essential technique to give them a solid base and a certainty in the art of getting all the way to the root and find the clients bottom belief.

If you can’t successfully find the root and the source of the problem, you do not know which beliefs to change. And if you do not remove the bottom belief the changes will often only be temporary and unresolved negative beliefs becomes a barrier to healing.

Price 585 € VAT inclusive.
Registation: 200 €
Seminar: 385 € - 10 days prior to seminar.

You will receive the Dig Deeper book by mail after sign up and a mail with the seminar manual a few days prior to the seminar.

Bemærk - for dansk:
Manualen og bogen er på engelsk. Derudover vil du modtage en oversættelse af de mest essentielle ting.
Det er ikke nødvendigt at have læst bogen inden vi mødes.

Save 15% on the Full Bundle.
Purchase all four seminars at once.

Price: 2350 € - VAT inclusive.
Registration: 700 €
Seminar: 1790 € - 10 days prior to the Basic DNA seminar.

Tidligere begivenhed: 25. marts
ThetaHealing, Gå Dybere
Senere begivenhed: 22. april
ThetaHealing, Dig & Skaber